
Dan Topic

Reason User +
Thank you a lot mate.

I'm still a newbie in music production so your words made my day. Started some 1 and a half year ago with Magic music maker, then decided to go to higher level and bought Reason 7 and AKAI LPK 25. Now I have Reason 8.3 with almost all REs, Novation Launchkey 61, digital recorder, mixer, external USB audio card, KRK Rokit 5 monitors and some more equipment. Recently I bought Cognitone Synfire and Steinberg Cubase Pro 8 so it looks I take it seriously ha, ha :) Invested a lot of money this year into music production [just don't tell my wife, please :)].
There's still much to learn for me. I guess the best way is to do as many songs as possible. So I have made a song approximately every 10 - 14 days (beside I have full time job). And every new song sounds better than the previous one (I hope). I would remix and remaster all my older songs if only I had time but it's an endless story I think. One is probably never 100% satisfied ;) I think every producer feels it same way.

So, thanks yet once. Glad someone likes my music because I have put a really big effort to it.
I know exactly how you feel, i tried optimizing my progress as well by giving myself certain deadlines. I try to create at least 1 Combinator Patch a day for example to get better at sound design. Music theory is an endless topic so thats also something i spend a lot of time on. But yeah as long as you do something you will see an improvement. I lately spend half a day cleaning up my sample folder and picking the ones i like best. My Workflow has improved significantly since then. :D

Dan Topic

Reason User +
I know exactly how you feel, i tried optimizing my progress as well by giving myself certain deadlines. I try to create at least 1 Combinator Patch a day for example to get better at sound design. Music theory is an endless topic so thats also something i spend a lot of time on. But yeah as long as you do something you will see an improvement. I lately spend half a day cleaning up my sample folder and picking the ones i like best. My Workflow has improved significantly since then. :D

That sounds motivating ;)

I just feel ideas comming and within cca 30 minutes I turn into a receiver, so to say. I don't control the creation process, I just flow on its wave. Love that feeling. I never know what the song is going to be exactly. It's an evolution from the very first note to the last one. Of course not always it's just easy. Once I complete whole song in 10 hours, another time I cannot handle bass sound issue for a week :) But no deadlines. I like to ¨feel to do something¨ than to ¨have to do something¨. When forced it never works :)
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