
Learn how to mix audio.

What is a song made of?

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What is a song made of?

It is so awesome that anyone can get a computer, buy a Digital Audio Workstation and start recording music. The ability to do this is just crazy easy these days and with it comes a whole new freshman knowledge base just waiting to learn and spread what they have learned and what they think is true about it. All this is really no more than Art and we all know...

Now I have seen it all

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Now I have seen it all

There is something out there that is leading people away from making music and learning how to make music and it is the old mighty buck. There are so many new things coming out that target a market that has been hammered year after year that you need this it will help you, you need...

The SSL 9000K you have one in Reason

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The SSL 9000K you have one in Reason

Have you ever searched the web for a SSL 9000k plugin? If you have, you will find there are not that many and of the ones you find they would be just one channel plugins. These plugins are not a full mixer and what is kind of odd is that a mixer is not a one-channel device it is a many channel device because it needs to be there for you on every track...

Learn How To Mix Electronic Music

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Learn How To Mix Electronic Music – Convert Reason 4 Song
in the Pro Mixing Forum

In this Pro Mixing Forum series, Matt shows you how to mix another song in the Electronic music genre. There are many types of music genres and each has its own identity and sonic signature. Also in this Pro Mixing...

Learn How To Mix In Reason

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Learn how to Mix a Song in Reason

Learn how to Mix a Song in Reason

Mixing is an ART but there are some tried and true methods and Science that go with it. One of the hardest things to learn about mixing audio is the ability to hear the frequencies of Instruments/vocals. I read a...

My Struggle

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My Struggle

I remember back in the days when me and my friends would look at the magazines that you could buy that covered everything about Recording, Mixing and Mastering. These magazines where the closest that we could get to a real studio of course there where books you could buy and schools you could go to...

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